Friday, April 10, 2009

Nutrition is King

For eight years I worked out intensely pounding out rep after rep, cardio session after cardio session, and yet I was getting bigger? Why? I didn't know. Didn't understand. After eight years of bringing it hard, I finally found the answer...


See, I thought, like many others, that if I just workout harder, workout more, I would cancel out the effects of my unhealthy eating and too big of portion sizes. BOY WAS I WRONG! Nutrition is key in any weight loss journey. Once I connected with that and let my nutrition match my fitness, something body!

What I realized is it is not just about how much you eat, but also WHAT you eat. 1400 calories of junk mixed with some healthy meals was not doing the trick. But 1400 calories of clean eating, was. See, a calorie really isn't just a calorie. They are not created equal and here is why.

Protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats all 'assist' the body in functioning correctly. Saturated fats, sugar, and simple carbs create an unhealthy body and one that cannot function the way it is intended. Protein, in particular, has a thermogenic effect. This means that there is more energy needed in order to breakdown the components of protein to be used in our body. The metabolism is then sped up, thus creating more of a fat burning machine.

But protein alone is not all that we need. Many people have made the mistake of going on these high protein diets. This is wrong! Your body goes into a state of ketosis which then you are catabolizing your muscles. This means your body is feeding off of your lean muscle mass. While it does this, your metabolism is slowed because you have less muscle mass. Remember the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism, the higher calorie burn you have. Not to mention going in a state of ketosis creates so many problems.

Complex carbs are a necessary staple in a healthy diet. Simple carbs create an insulin spike and then a quick drop. That is why complex carbs are so important. They create a steady blood sugar. Coupled with protein, they work in tandem so that your system will run smoothly and you will be energized.

Healthy fats are key to many healthful benefits. Avocados, olive oil, nuts, salmon, just to name a few, are all great for your system and have many heart healthy effects.

The key to nutrition is finding balance. Each and every meal you have needs to have these three components to them in order to run smoothly. One without the other two will not create a healthy efficient fat burning machine.

Eat five to six small meals a day. Three meals and two to three snacks. Let your meals toward the end of the day be less caloric and less carbs. Have a protein, vegetables, and some healthy fats toward the end of your day. The closer it is to bedtime, the more your body slows down, thus the reason it is important to eat more complex carbs during the day when your body will use it effeciently.

The key to getting and nutrition. They go hand in hand.

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